This FORUM contains a number of essays about voting rights for young persons. The essays are submitted by the writers to give expression to their ideas about voting rights for young persons who at present do not enjoy this, be it lowering the voting age or voting rights for all ages. Essays arguing against a change in the suffrage will also be accepted. The conditions for acceptance are at the bottom of this page. The email address on the rigth side can be used for submission. The purpose of this FORUM is to give voice to the advocacy for extending the franchise. Also read the disclaimer at he bottom of the page.
The texts on this page are summaries with their full text in pdf-file through the link.
essays (last submission on top) . |
1 | name |  |
title |
| text resume |
0 | Your Name, Hometown (date of submission) | |
Example of the title of what a contribution looks like. (12 words) |
| This is the summary of the contribution about an example of what it could look like. This the summary in 100 words. This contribution is about an example of what it could look like. This are some nonsense word put together to make a sentence of 100 words. . This are some nonsense word put together to make a sentence of 100 words. This are some nonsense word put together to make a sentence of 100 words. Still I have a few words to write. This the summary in 100 words, a few words more or less is also okay.(100 words) |
terms and conditions for submission of essays
the email address provided on this page is the only method of submission.
submission only in a word file containing a title in 1-15 words, a summary in 75-100 words and the text of the essay in 1500-2000 words.
exception with larger word count is possible at request.
all texts must be in English.
essays about other subjects will not be accepted.
essays in language disrespectful of any other person will not be accepted.
there is no correspondence about the contents of the essays.
an acceptance email will be sent within 2 weeks time, unless unforseen circumstances.
anonymous submissions and essays under pen-name will not be accepted.
a revised essay will be accepted to replace an earlier one.
the contributor's email address will never be made public.
only essays will be accepted that have not been published elsewhere.
an essay cannot be submitted for the purpose of a link to another publication.
plagiarism will lead to removal of the essay.
the webmaster retains the right to refuse acceptance without motivation.
Nothing in the essays listed on this page is the work of the webmaster, who therefore does not accept any responsibility for events resulting from reading them.
The webmaster of this website does not carry any responsibility regarding the contents of the essays.
Whoever thinks to know better than what is written in the essays on this page, is welcome to send a contribution.
This page is hosted on without editorial responsibility.